Monday, September 22, 2008

my baby is walking

so kaeden is 2 days off being 10 months old and he has taken his first steps today... my baby walked.... i sit back and recall lani and kai... lani in her little denim dress that i gave up takeaway for the $30 target dress to get her off her knees and walking...kai taking his first teeny steps towards his big uncle Phil while camping at the Murray River one Christmas..... they have all achieved walking by 10 months... :)

do you want to know my biggest achievment though?.... 2 days ago in the kitchen..Lani saw me smile... really smile... for what i would consider the first time in her little life.... and you know what.. she smiled and said she couldn't help but smile cause i was.... as ironic as it is... it makes me cry.... how after 5 years has my dausghter now ever seen me truly smile...? and how is it that a 5 year old is the one to reason that this smile was different to the others? and why is it when i am finally off the anti depressants i can finally smile... even if it is for a split second?

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